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Take care.. 5 wrong habits to avoid to delay aging and maintain your health

Aging is inevitable, but you can definitely delay it, and avoid lifestyle habits that make you age quickly. Some of these things are common and we do them every day, intentionally or unintentionally. And delay aging according to the Times of India.

5 habits that make you prone to premature aging

Increase screen time


Excessive exposure to blue light from devices can lead to premature aging. If you work from home you may not be able to reduce screen time, but you can reduce your social media time and avoid binge-watching series.

Don't sleep on time


Not sleeping on time is another factor that can take years off your life. If you sleep late every night and don't get enough sleep, you not only speed up your progress but also invite other cardiovascular diseases.


We all know that smoking is bad for your health and makes you look older than you are, it can give you visible signs of aging and can profoundly affect your health, stopping the skin's ability to regenerate cells and thus making you look older.

unhealthy diet


A sedentary lifestyle is the biggest reason behind an unhealthy body. Not eating healthy food and moving enough can add to your skin problems. Choose to eat more fruits, juices and healthy snacks to add years to your life.

Don't take care of your skin


You may do everything right, but you still fall victim to premature aging because you don't care about your skin. Although you don't need multiple skincare routines to keep your skin healthy, cleansing, moisturizing and SPF is an absolute must.

